Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Improving Health Care Pt. 2

Yesterday I talked about tort reform. Today I am going to touch on what pretty much every medical professional is in agreement on, preventative care. We as Americans hate, I mean absolutely hate going to the doctor. We have to stop that attitude folks. By visiting our family doctors on a regular basis we are going to catch things earlier, improve our overall health, experience fewer long term illnesses, and live longer. But why is this important to improving our health care system? This is real simple; if we are healthier eventually insurance companies can lower their premiums due to reduced pay outs.

Wide spread preventative care will help to reduce health insurance premiums over time. In the immediate here and now it will reduce trips to the emergency room and/or urgent care clinics. These facilities are expensive, and were not designed to be your primary care doctor. They run up the overall cost of health care for everyone when they are used in this fashion. We have to motivate people to go to their family doctors.

By allowing individuals to deduct either a copayment or the full cost of an office visit to their primary care doctor we can entice them to visit more frequently. This can also apply to visits to your dentist and eye doctors for preventative check ups and preventative procedures. I think the last two pieces are just as important as visiting your family doctor. Many health issues can be caught early by dentists, ophthalmologist, and optometrists. People should be rewarded for being proactive in their health. People should not be taxed more, only to have to wait months to get an appointment with a family doctor.

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Hey, just keep it on topic, curtious, and clean.